Search within one or more of EBSCOhost's multi-disciplinary full-text databases, including: Academic Search Complete, APA PsycInfo, Business Source Complete, EconLit, Political Science Complete, and Social Sciences Abstracts
Aiming to bring together the entirety of scholarly research, this service allows you to search across disciplines. Be sure to set your Google Scholar preferences to include the OSU Libraries in order to access full-text articles
An online database of public opinion polls that includes polling information on candidates and issues and can be searched by election year. On campus access only
An interdisciplinary citator that can be used to find other materials that cite a particular article or book, pulling information from several databases and across multiple disciplines
CRS Reports
The Congressional Research Service is a nonpartisan legislative branch agency that produces reports providing legal, policy, or economic analysis of a given issue, as request by members or committees of Congress.
For a comprehensive list of databases available at The Ohio State University, check out the University Libraries Research Databases List. Enter the name of a database in the search box or browse the list of databases by subject or title.