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Academic Success

This guide features resources to help you succeed in law school.

Where are the textbooks?

The Law Library maintains a collection of assigned textbooks for student use. These books are now kept behind the Circulation Desk and can be checked out for 2 hours.

Because these are high-demand items, their loan periods are short and strict. Overdue reserve materials are billed $2.00 for the first hour past due and $5.00 for each additional hour. To avoid being charged a late fee, make sure to return the textbook to a Circulation staff member.

If your class is longer than 2 hours or you would like to take your reading home with you, you can use one of the library’s scanners to scan and email yourself a PDF of your reading. For scanner instructions, visit the Library Tech page of the Law Library Orientation Guide.

West Academic Early eBook Access

West Academic Early eBook Access

The College of Law has partnered with West Academic to provide free, temporary eBook access to West Academic and Foundation Press textbooks selected by our instructors. Your free eBook access begins the week before classes start and lasts through the first two weeks of the semester.

How to start your free trial:

  1. Go to and click “Sign In” in the right corner of the screen. If you do not have a West Academic account, click “Create an Account” from the Sign In page. Be sure to use your law school email address when creating an account. You will receive a verification link in your inbox.
  2. Once you are logged in, look for the available eBooks below “Materials Provided by My School.” Click on your assigned casebook to add the book to your bookshelf and start the free trial. You can add multiple casebooks to your bookshelf.

For visual instructions, see West Academic's Early eBook Access [PDF].

Fall 2024 

This semester, West Academic Early eBook Access includes the following:

  • Prosser, Wade, Schwartz, Kelly, and Partlett's Torts, Cases and Materials, 14th Edition
  • Marcus, Redish, Pfander, and Zambrano's Civil Procedure, A Modern Approach, 6th Edition
  • Dressler and Garvey's Criminal Law: Cases and Materials, 9th Edition
  • LaFave's Modern Criminal Law: Cases, Comments and Questions, 6th
  • Merritt and Simmons's Learning Evidence: From the Federal Rules to the Courtroom, 5th Edition
  • Sterk and Leslie's Estates and Trusts, Cases and Materials, 7th Edition
  • Clark, Fuse Brown, Gatter, McCuskey, and Pendo's Health Law: Cases, Materials and Problems, 9th Edition
  • Haydock and Sonsteng's Trial Advocacy Before Judges, Jurors, and Arbitrators, 6th Edition

Fall 2024 Course Reserves