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Academic Success

This guide features resources to help you succeed in law school.


This guide provides a selective overview of law school success resources available through the Moritz Law Library and the Internet. You will find resources on preparing for class, studying, exam taking, time management, and more.

For resources specific to legal research and writing, please consult our Legal Research and Writing Success guide.

How To Use This Guide

If a book is available in print, the title will be linked to the Library Catalog. Click the link to view which copies the library possesses and where to find them. If an e-book is available, the logo of the corresponding database is included after the title. Click on the logo to access that database and find the material. As you will see, some materials are available in both formats and will have a linked title as well as a linked logo. 

Most articles, blogs, and audiovisual materials (e.g., YouTube videos, podcasts) included in this guide are free web resources. If a material is not freely available, the logo of the corresponding database is included after the title. Again, click the logo to access that database and find the material.

There are four databases referenced in this guide:

Aspen Logo   =  Aspen Study Aid Library

CALI Logo   = CALI

LexisNexis Logo   =  LexisNexis Digital Library

West Academic Logo   =  West Academic Study Aids

These databases are limited to Moritz users with a registered account. For information on how to register your accounts, see the Course Reserves and Study Aids page of the Law Library Orientation guide.