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Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Justice (DEIJ) Resources

This guide gathers materials and resources on the topic of DEIJ in law schools.

Books on Law Practice

Articles on Law Practice

Travis Adams, Cultural Competency: A Necessary Skill for the 21st Century Attorney, 4 Wm. Mitchell L. Raza J. 2 (2013).

Grover E. Cleveland, Helping First-Generation Lawyers Thrive, Law Practice Today (Apr. 13, 2018).

Robert L. Gegios & Stephen D. R. Taylor, Cross-Cultural Competency: A Non-Negotiable Skill for Lawyers Involved in International Commerce, Kohner, Mann & Kailas, S.C.

Ellen (Ellie) Krug, We Hear You Knocking: An Essay on Welcoming Trans Lawyers, 41 Wm. Mitchell L. Rev. 181 (2015).

Nelson P. Miller, Beyond Bias—Cultural Competence as a Lawyer Skill, Mich. B.J. 38 (2008).